This Waterproof Dry Bag keep your belongings dry and safe in the outdoors whether there is rain or snow. Perfect for kayaking, swimming, camping, hiking, fishing, rafting, boating or as a motorcycle bag. Fabric was designed for performance and comfort. It is smooth to touch but tough against punctures, tearing and ripping. Made to last many adventures. To use, roll the top down tightly 3-5 times. The tighter it is, or the more rolls, the better. Then buckle both ends together, forming a handle.
Sizes available: 2L, 5L, 15L, 20L, 30L. 2L and 5L are suitable for keeping your small items like gadgets and towels. The bag can be clipped onto your larger bags or backpacks. 15L and 20L can handle your clothing and other medium sizes items. The shoulder straps make them easy to carry. 30L is for your large and heavy items. The backpack straps help with heavy lifting.
2L - One removable strap for hand carrying 5L/15L/20L - One removable shoulder strap 30L - Two removable backpack style removable shoulder straps
Dimensions(Bottom Diameter x Height before rolling): 2L: 4.5" x 11.3" 5L: 7" x 16" 15L: 8" x 21.9" 20L: 9.2" x 24" 30L 9.3 x 28.5"
Available colors: 2L - Green, Yellow, Pink, Gray 5L - Black, pink, Red, Gray, Sky Blue 15L - Yellow, Black, Green, Blue, Rose, Orange, Sky Blue, Gray, Red 20L - Yellow, Black, Green, Blue, Rose, Orange, Sky Blue, Gray, Red 30L - Yellow, Black, Green, Orange, Sky Blue, Red, Gray, Rose
Made of 500D high density PVC and mesh.
- This Waterproof Dry Bag keep your belongings dry in the outdoors whether there is rain or snow.
- It is smooth to touch but tough against punctures, tearing and ripping. Made to last for years of adventures.
- Features an adjustable shoulder strap for all sizes.
- Made of 500D PVC and mesh.
